Events in inorganic chemistry.

Managing Protons and Electrons in Small Molecule Activation

Small molecule activation often requires both protons and electrons. This includes chemical transformations key to sustainable energy and environment e.g. reduction of H+, O2, CO2 and N2. Similarly, mono-oxygenation of organic molecules using molecular oxygen, a process often described as the Holy grail of chemistry, requires protons and electrons. Erstwhile mechanistic investigations on metallo-enzyme active sites which catalyses these reactions have revealed that the proton and electron delivery often occur in distinct chemical steps and in many cases, coupled, in the same steps.

Magnetic relaxation dynamics in dysprosium complexes


"Following our discovery of the first dysprosium metallocenium cation, [Dy(Cpttt)2][B(C6F5)4], which is the vanguard of the new generation of high-temperature single-molecule magnets, we have been investigating the magnetic relaxation dynamics of various dysprosium-based single-molecule magnets (SMMs) by experimental and theoretical techniques. Here we present our recent results in unravelling the competing magnetic relaxation processes.”


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